Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
gimme tha loot
without the internet it is getting harder and harder to maintain 2 blogs.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
what am i going to do
man i feel so bad for not seeing HP yet. i couldnt go the first night and from there i basicly fucking blew it. feel so not relevant for not having seen it. i want to be like "i read the book though" but it dpsnt even matter.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
suffering for my art n shit
i dont actually like arguing, i just would like to force other people to agree with me. the fucking hater's ball would be my ideal chillin spot. i think people need to realize the following things are fucking wack:
college sports, 3d printers, working at any point other than regular 40 hour week, eating in, diet soda, facebook, not partying, trying hard at school, rugby, lacrosse, cricket, well-educated people, uneducated people, duke university, science, math, technology, physical weakness, emotional weakness, being cool, trying at anything, vegetarian, most live music, cant even keep going. i think thats most of what i dislike. upper middle class. middle america, middle class values, a lack of values, ignorant values. i'm not sure everyone is as principled as me. i dont go to wal-mart, eat seafood or use facebook. NOONE ELSE EVEN MAKES THE FUCKING EFFORT
would it be easier to keep abreast of what people were doing by using the spacebook? perhaps. does what other people are doing really matter? no.
fucking 3d printer, its like who even fucking cares. they already have that its called the assembly line. oh shit gotta try hard at school? then you probably dont belong there; the world needs ditchdiggers too. chilling between 11pm and 8am on a tuesday blows: nuff said. fuckign restraunts own; leave cooking to the professionals, and cleaning too. diet soda tastes like shit and was designed for tightasses. dont party? i dont want to know you. all those sports are just fucking lame. stick to
the good ones like soccer or baseball or basketball or football or skiing, or any other fucking one. educated people are tentious twats. uneducated people are ignorant twats. fuckign duke; the lamest. science: usually goes hand in hand with not partying. math: see science. technology: im over it, just stop at the laptop/smartphone. whatever fucking vegetaertains, noone gives a shit: god made meat for human enjoyment/nutrition, why do u think met eating people could whip the ass of nonmeateating people? fucking humans are designed to eat meat: dominance. fucking live music: leave it to people who are good, talkign bout u mr. smog.
man my principles are so severe. sure it would be easier not to be so harshly and quickly judgmental, but then i would have to tolerate mad wack shit. it simply pains me to ingest things i disagree with aurally and/or visualy. and its not like i would defend to the death someone's right to disagree with me (via patrick henry) i would completely love to batter and ridicule and outlaw those opinions i disagree with. im against freedom of speech, becuase ignorant shit doesnt deserve to be heard. (ignorant shit being things i dont care to hear about) in an ideal world i would be the arbiter of taste and my taste would be as good as law. the absolute rule of aesthetics and opinion, as decided by me. that sounds great.
college sports, 3d printers, working at any point other than regular 40 hour week, eating in, diet soda, facebook, not partying, trying hard at school, rugby, lacrosse, cricket, well-educated people, uneducated people, duke university, science, math, technology, physical weakness, emotional weakness, being cool, trying at anything, vegetarian, most live music, cant even keep going. i think thats most of what i dislike. upper middle class. middle america, middle class values, a lack of values, ignorant values. i'm not sure everyone is as principled as me. i dont go to wal-mart, eat seafood or use facebook. NOONE ELSE EVEN MAKES THE FUCKING EFFORT
would it be easier to keep abreast of what people were doing by using the spacebook? perhaps. does what other people are doing really matter? no.
fucking 3d printer, its like who even fucking cares. they already have that its called the assembly line. oh shit gotta try hard at school? then you probably dont belong there; the world needs ditchdiggers too. chilling between 11pm and 8am on a tuesday blows: nuff said. fuckign restraunts own; leave cooking to the professionals, and cleaning too. diet soda tastes like shit and was designed for tightasses. dont party? i dont want to know you. all those sports are just fucking lame. stick to
the good ones like soccer or baseball or basketball or football or skiing, or any other fucking one. educated people are tentious twats. uneducated people are ignorant twats. fuckign duke; the lamest. science: usually goes hand in hand with not partying. math: see science. technology: im over it, just stop at the laptop/smartphone. whatever fucking vegetaertains, noone gives a shit: god made meat for human enjoyment/nutrition, why do u think met eating people could whip the ass of nonmeateating people? fucking humans are designed to eat meat: dominance. fucking live music: leave it to people who are good, talkign bout u mr. smog.
man my principles are so severe. sure it would be easier not to be so harshly and quickly judgmental, but then i would have to tolerate mad wack shit. it simply pains me to ingest things i disagree with aurally and/or visualy. and its not like i would defend to the death someone's right to disagree with me (via patrick henry) i would completely love to batter and ridicule and outlaw those opinions i disagree with. im against freedom of speech, becuase ignorant shit doesnt deserve to be heard. (ignorant shit being things i dont care to hear about) in an ideal world i would be the arbiter of taste and my taste would be as good as law. the absolute rule of aesthetics and opinion, as decided by me. that sounds great.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I ranged quite far afield in order to see back to the future in theaters, but every agonizing balogna ridden minute of the journey on 84 was worth it. I forgot how many silly faces and shit christopher lloyd makes, how funny. He certainly played a wacky character. Poor Michael J. Foxxx. Now he has a disease that makes him all shakey and uneven. His head seems very large for his body in back to the future. I also wonder how much was him skateboarding and how much was stunt doubles. I forgot how messed up his{Marty McFly} home-life was in the future of 1985. his older brother is such a clown, his sister seems like a character from like little britain, or some weird dystopian youtube video (muffins, shoes, etc) his dad is a fool, and his mom is sucking down popov and bud lite. Altogether a messed up fam. He is such a charming heart-o-gold bart simpson/ferris bueller, etc. type person, you wonder where he came from in this family of drunks and drips. Either way, kno what was sick, how hard his past-mother partied. CRISPYY gLOVER, he sure looked more like a normal person back in the day. And OMG the delorean, what a vehicle. Too bad they were slow pieces of shit in real life bc that thing is fucking awesome. Gullwing doors, such a good idea.
*One messed up part is how much shucking and jiving the future mayor Leroy “Goldie” Williams does in his past job and floor mopper/real talker. Then in the future when he is elected the town has turned into a crack-ravaged hell hole full of crime, shitty graffiti, bums, terrorists, and other shit like that. What is the implication? Smooth talking black mayor=crime, corruption, inauthentic looking hood-ass set, meant to look like the Baltimore of the Wire, created on a leftover set from Singin in the Rain. Fucking mental, mate.

look up john delorean on wikipedia, its wild
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I was already tired than a mofo, from having worked like a Hebrew slave all weekend long at the BGM. You know how you put on your best drunk after a hard day's work. It's almost enough to make me want to work more often. But I think I'll settle for a somewhat less satisfying intoxication.
Monday, October 4, 2010
how does anyone get anythign done in the library with this slow ass internet
i need to get some more SMITHS cds, becuase they are such good listening. mad good listening. i was thinking about the best place to grab food to make u sad. it has to be T-Bell, aka TAco Bell. even in foul, expensive manhattan it is only 1.84 dollars for a wide array of .5 lb burrrritoes. they were the bomb. i was on the highline? the elevated train track turned park thing and the hotel place that goes over it (the standard) i was looking up at the fucking hotel all hung over and shit, and there was this girl going to pound town in the window with a man making entry from behind, it was absurd, and i was dumbfounded.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
gonna get all san gennaro today u know what it is. fucking pound some torrone etc. cant fuckin wait gonna update lates
Monday, September 13, 2010
i saw a giant alligator running along the side of the road. Like a huge horse made out of wallets and shoes, it was galloping along in long grass, kind of like on the side of long pond, in the sort of swampy bit by hitchcock hill. He was big and brown and smiling, and literally galloping like a horse. it was terrifying, but also hilarious. i mean i was cracking up but also worried for my safety a little. it wasnt like some dreams though where i am trapped in a dystopian alternate reality, this was more of a retarded alternate reality.
today on hipsterrunoff i read a thing about if u can be genuinely alt if u are fat. when i think of this thing, i think that girls can be fat, but not boys if they want to be alt. if the situation would call u a grenade, it doesnt preclude u from having like opinions on art and shit, or even being an artist or whatever. and like high waisted jeans exist to show off fupa. fubu high waisted jeans, i wish those existed. i simply have not seen a genuinely fat male alt, in real life, but there is the picture on the website.
today on hipsterrunoff i read a thing about if u can be genuinely alt if u are fat. when i think of this thing, i think that girls can be fat, but not boys if they want to be alt. if the situation would call u a grenade, it doesnt preclude u from having like opinions on art and shit, or even being an artist or whatever. and like high waisted jeans exist to show off fupa. fubu high waisted jeans, i wish those existed. i simply have not seen a genuinely fat male alt, in real life, but there is the picture on the website.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
the worst things
Spiders are the worst. they are just disgusting. God has to be real, because only his opposite number, the devil, could have made spiders. they move in the most repulsive way. all 8 legs furiously moving, their disgusting middle part, laden with eyes and pincers, waiting to fucking bite/disturb. the sight of a spider, especially a big one, fills me with 3 emotions: hate, fear, and disgust. like a daddy longlegs isnt even the worst; the worst are spiders with fat arms (legs?) I hated in a science textbook, or a picturebook of animals from when i was little, when i would turn a page to be confronted with a MASSIVE fucking closeup of a spider. i would drop the book, scream and be stricken with convulsions of hate and revulsion. (in that order) i wish i could include a picture of a spider, but unfortunately i cannot willingly look at a picture of a spider. another thing that is the worst is twilight. i read that book today and it fucking blows.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
im late to the best coast party
but im happy i arrived. if the ramones were taking some like ronettes style influences, this shit is in the same vein. i suppose. thats just my feeling. i tried to consult with p-fork but got caught up in reading about the best songs of the 90s. pavement? pavement?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
She should've handed out cigars
Just so everyone is aware, Texas is one of the greatest places you could ever go. Friday night in Austin: 3$ makers mark, 3$ heineckin, 1.50 awful shots, 3$ patron shots, 2$ domestic beers. Serving food outside. on Saturday night in Austin, 2$ shots, 2$ dosequis pints, FOUR DOLLAR red bull vodkas, 2.50 tall boys. IN GENERAL i would venture to say that u can go to poundtown for insanely cheap in texas.

Friday, July 30, 2010
everyone's afraid of what might happen to them
or if theyll even get out of here alive.
MY car is sick. it is sick and boxy and squareish. i wish i had the R version though, that would be tight. i kind of hate cars being too round and stupid. the new e-class looks sick because of its powerfully defined lines. it is made out of definition. everything comes from something else, instead of having a continuous skin, it is as if the body is sheathed in a series of distinct, but connected individual planes. what you also get out of the defined planes is the beauty of the car's symmetry. instead of looking like something organic, with skin stretched over a rounded skeleton, where the symmetry is the product of some mystery of nature, and somehow lacking even the illusion of perfection, the sharpness of the e-class's lines and planes makes it look as though it were machined from a solid piece of titanium. an algorithm was written that allowed for the car to be perfectly machined from a solid block of power and strength, into a kind of symmetry the human mind cannot fully comprehend

Just for the hell of it, this future-status BMW is omega heat. BMW M1, so sick. those OG M series colors, the red and blue stripe, are omega gangster. THIS ONE IS GNAGNSTER TOOOOO
MY car is sick. it is sick and boxy and squareish. i wish i had the R version though, that would be tight. i kind of hate cars being too round and stupid. the new e-class looks sick because of its powerfully defined lines. it is made out of definition. everything comes from something else, instead of having a continuous skin, it is as if the body is sheathed in a series of distinct, but connected individual planes. what you also get out of the defined planes is the beauty of the car's symmetry. instead of looking like something organic, with skin stretched over a rounded skeleton, where the symmetry is the product of some mystery of nature, and somehow lacking even the illusion of perfection, the sharpness of the e-class's lines and planes makes it look as though it were machined from a solid piece of titanium. an algorithm was written that allowed for the car to be perfectly machined from a solid block of power and strength, into a kind of symmetry the human mind cannot fully comprehend

Just for the hell of it, this future-status BMW is omega heat. BMW M1, so sick. those OG M series colors, the red and blue stripe, are omega gangster. THIS ONE IS GNAGNSTER TOOOOO
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
the russian golddigger's attempts to extort MEl GIB-SEt, with fake argument tapes is ongoing, however now she is making up some rediculus plot to kneecap the boss of TMZ. If Mel was willing to leave the boss of a famous website/tv show for dead in the desert why wouldnt he have just offed the goldigger a la Robert Blake. Don't understand why people take this shit at face value---> feel like Mel probably is just harmless drunk with vicious temper, and hardline christian beliefs, neither of which have ever caused any harm to anyone, ever.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
diablo cody, i luv u even tho u wrote Juno
+ I also loved the OC, n shit
Adam Brody why are you so funny????? doing ads for a contractor?? balllin
Adam Brody why are you so funny????? doing ads for a contractor?? balllin
m night shamalanamalandon made this big piece of shit movie about airbendin. When i get all schwasty headed i want to get all airbendy. GETTIN AIRBENDY DAWWWGGG
I saw the sixth sense that shit was aaiiiggghhht. then i saw LADY in the WATER that shit sucked a fat dick. i never saw any others but i know that dude is a clown. tho he did have some MELLE MEL GIBSON up in SIGNS> i want to watch the SORCERER"S APPRENTICE. also known as the MAGICIAN"S NEFFEWWW.
I saw the sixth sense that shit was aaiiiggghhht. then i saw LADY in the WATER that shit sucked a fat dick. i never saw any others but i know that dude is a clown. tho he did have some MELLE MEL GIBSON up in SIGNS> i want to watch the SORCERER"S APPRENTICE. also known as the MAGICIAN"S NEFFEWWW.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I <3 the beach, i went there for like hours n hours yesterday shit was Tight. and I partied and real talked n shit. I kind of want to move to the beach and just hang out.
1. White-boy wasted
2. sauccy
3. ssooooo wavvvey its crazzy
1. White-boy wasted
2. sauccy
3. ssooooo wavvvey its crazzy
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
the wrong kind of pop music
ALl music currently being produced has a kind of techno-y vibe. it is now essential for all rappers to half sing their way through a beat that sounds like a night at the roxbury. It isnt just rap tho, its everything. like just because something has an unrelenting beat and no hook doesnt make it good. Will-i-am is a severely guilty party. the black eyed peas are the worst. i would rather live in north korea than praise will-i-am, furgie the no talent, butterface munchkin, or the other anonymous members of the group. drake also blows. i believe he is the manservant of some record company executive, who is saddled with hook-less beats, a faux autotune kind of chorus singing, and stupid "observational" lines about everyday shit. the permanently airbrushed looking Bey0nCe, is even worse than mariah carey. I am dead serious. beyonce has not had a single good song since crazy in love. an indisputable fact. i hope lil wayne stays in jail because most of his new music blows. when youre off your ass on drugs and shit mumbling the same stupid lines about pussy and sippin syrup its time to take a break. for some reason no one is ever willing to come out and say he fell off a musical cliff, but he did. i wish someone would man-up and bring a heavy lil wayne diss. also someone needs to re-ether ignorant ass JAy-Z. watching neon indian at coachella, he clearly doesnt know shit about music, he just wants mainstream white people to take him seriously as a musician, and assumed that watching mainstreamish hip music at a silly festival was the best route. (rather than making good music somehting he clearly is incapable of)

not aware enough to even pull off pretentious


BABBY UR MY EVERYTHING im from a toronto suburb, no one should take me any more seriously than a rapping macauly culkin, because im just a silly child actor, embarking on my next career, thank u media illuminati!

not aware enough to even pull off pretentious


BABBY UR MY EVERYTHING im from a toronto suburb, no one should take me any more seriously than a rapping macauly culkin, because im just a silly child actor, embarking on my next career, thank u media illuminati!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
everyone already knew that american apparel was for smug, bland people who do everything they are told. their bland clothing, and idiotic advertising both of which are designed to irritate most mainstream people, win them no favors. the pervert in charge, who is the king of self-important, big mouthed, under-informed peoples the world over (most liberal arts students and associated types) is largely responsible for the awkward, unflattering looks that plague much of those afflicted by "hipness". this is the new handbook:
Saturday, June 26, 2010
the land of snaxxx
i had tandoori chixxen today. i loves me some indian food---> maybe tomorrow i will go to the indian buffet (holla @jaipore, u kno what it is) lately i have been having these crises where i rlly rlly want to go out to dinner, but i have noone to go with, so i come home and have a sadness meal on my own. people are all like "oh im broke" or "oh im going to eat at home" like if those are your scenarios i hate you. i hate you so much, because i dont want to sit in a restaraunte on my own like some kind of lonely fucking loser. that shit is depressing,and its just kind of annoying; i love restraunts, it is kind of funny that i cant spell restaurant (count it) bc i go to them alot. i seem to be busy whenever my parents go, they go for dinner at like 4.30(PM) it is true that they are old beyond their yrs. i wish i could be old beyond my yrs. then i wouldnt crave fun times all of my life. wish i was contented to do boring shit all the time. unfortunately i only want to party and rock n roll nd shit. i wish i could stop my awesome lifestyle choices, but i dont think i have the ability or desire to apply maturity to my gangsterlife choices. whatever. maybe if there were more people who wanted to go to restaraunts with me then i wouldnt be all fuked up in the head.

i luv u sign denoting restaurant ahead

i luv u sign denoting restaurant ahead
wanna listen to the pink song on my ipod courtersy of eco-friendly apple? how bout chocolate bar's? let's make out now! massage my pubis region please... rlly pretty please massage the pubissss
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
rugby is wack
so is lacrosse, and cricket too. all lacrosse does is distract people from baseball and travel soccer. cricket is just dumb, we have baseball: BANG: cricket fails. cricket is to baseball what plays are to movies. once movies came out fucking plays were OBSOLETE. that shit was played out a la jheri curls and my lyfe. same with cricket. rugby is just dummy shit. ive heard it sid that soccer is a gentleman's game played by hooligans and rugby is a hooligan's game played by gentlemen. if thats true who the fuck is down with a sport designed for the british aristocracy? im sure as hell not. the only good thing to ever come out of rugby:

this picture

this picture
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
musings on the popularity of southern rap music
"no one seemed to give a shit about Crime Pays, which was the shit, for a Cam’ron album. I enjoyed it about as much as I did Purple Haze, despite the shittier production. Maybe it was so good it was hard for white people to appreciate ironically, and that’s why they’ve since moved on to Gucci Mane." -byron crawford
this must be the case. watching an illiterate 12 yr old, a la soulja boy, dance and generally buffoon his way about provides most white people with their image of black people. if gIrLs nItE out at suny albany is basically on the same ignorance level as soulja boy, and the concept of irony not fully understood by either party, weirder still is the fascination of certain segments of the rap nerd population's infatuation with gucci nd other such persons.
this must be the case. watching an illiterate 12 yr old, a la soulja boy, dance and generally buffoon his way about provides most white people with their image of black people. if gIrLs nItE out at suny albany is basically on the same ignorance level as soulja boy, and the concept of irony not fully understood by either party, weirder still is the fascination of certain segments of the rap nerd population's infatuation with gucci nd other such persons.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
im thinking of a master plan
the other day i was lyke: "why isnt every diner open 24 hrs a day?" (or barring that at least past midnight) i almost think you should not be allowed to rep "DINER" if ur not opened more than 19 hrs a day. whateevers.
CHECK THIS SHIT OUT. i wanna rock right now.
CHECK THIS SHIT OUT. i wanna rock right now.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
where to party
VALVOLINE dopest jump off evearr. you can just chill in the pit nd just house some beerz n schmokes. they gangstered up really hard tho and put in cameras so you have to hid
e from them in the bathroom. so ackchually you cant even party too hard except in the parrty zone.
e from them in the bathroom. so ackchually you cant even party too hard except in the parrty zone.

Sunday, March 14, 2010
yo COPs is straight crazylk. the new thing going is america gangsterr, like its waxck about poor fools getting in trouble.

Thursday, March 11, 2010
this is the feature length movie i need to see. If only there was a line about buttered rolls i think i would be >>>>pumped. craziness anyway, this along with cousin bang should be the news multiplex takeoverz.
how fuckin sick is that rapping on the hood of a taurus?!
how fuckin sick is that rapping on the hood of a taurus?!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
nobody knows about maizeland road. EXCEPT FOR ME> nd i kmno everything there is to know about it.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
making crippple fights look retarded

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
even though content overlappage is wack, this is the OG status version of the epic bus-fight. It would be mad epic if instead of pornography in buses, there was boxing in buses. Even boring-ass MMA might be improved if it took place in a bus. as a side note how much better than powerade is gatorade? powerade is the most half-assed substitute. It is the kind of scenario where if someone went to the store and i asked for gatorade but they brought powerade i would be pissed. This isnt the difference between arizona and snapple iced teas, this is fucking lowenbrau vs. milwaukee special reserve ice. it's a ferrari or a kia. honestly go fuck yourself if you think powerade holds a candle to gatorade.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
proposals n such
instead of bothering with "getting to know" or "hitting on" women in disparate places, such as restaurants, television coverage of the olympics, etc, i think people will start to just roll around with an engagement ring in their pocket. Does every figure skater you see on tv catch your eye?, sure you could keep going to college parties and shit, wasting your time and thinking wistfully about [see image below] or you could man up and fly to vancouver and propose. Same goes for wing night, the diner, just about anywhere that bothering to talk to some one is impossible, but youre dead set on spending the rest of your life with a girl you have never spoken to.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
how much i love peepshow
The squalor its happening, its woodstock, its altamont, its my lai.
Probably the best comedy show ever made. honestly it is on par with the simpsons and the british office if not better. I have been in bed with a fever lolzing the whole time. basically mark explodes any notion that larry david is the most neurotic person on television. probably because of how identifiable so many of the characters' (particularly mark) sentiments are, it is both painfully awkward and hilarious.
Probably the best comedy show ever made. honestly it is on par with the simpsons and the british office if not better. I have been in bed with a fever lolzing the whole time. basically mark explodes any notion that larry david is the most neurotic person on television. probably because of how identifiable so many of the characters' (particularly mark) sentiments are, it is both painfully awkward and hilarious.

Monday, February 8, 2010
I found the plane's beverage cart and its full of bud lite!
There's bud lite in the fridge made of bud light!
epitaph: "im a 30 rack"
sit pon the rhythm like a tire pon a rim
epitaph: "im a 30 rack"
sit pon the rhythm like a tire pon a rim

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
bitch i go hard like the boy from 300
this thing is pretty much retarded. i would certainly have little to no use for it. if i had a special cell phone with internets and shit i would probably use it exclusively for youtube. whatever, i guess some people dont mind tiny little screens, or shitty versions of the internet, or small/nonexistant keyboards. having a huge iphone seems to be mad boring to me, but i dont like small games (except tetris), i already have a piece of shit macbook, which i feel like a nerd about, mac is over. its selling a lame image, like that nerd actor who is dating drew barrymore (apparently he went to vassar[herb])hes supposed to be mad hip, but i bet his favorite band is kings of leon. mac is marketed towards people who are mad earnest about their bullshit art/film/music even though it blows and they have no self awareness.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
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