Tuesday, June 29, 2010

the wrong kind of pop music

ALl music currently being produced has a kind of techno-y vibe. it is now essential for all rappers to half sing their way through a beat that sounds like a night at the roxbury. It isnt just rap tho, its everything. like just because something has an unrelenting beat and no hook doesnt make it good. Will-i-am is a severely guilty party. the black eyed peas are the worst. i would rather live in north korea than praise will-i-am, furgie the no talent, butterface munchkin, or the other anonymous members of the group. drake also blows. i believe he is the manservant of some record company executive, who is saddled with hook-less beats, a faux autotune kind of chorus singing, and stupid "observational" lines about everyday shit. the permanently airbrushed looking Bey0nCe, is even worse than mariah carey. I am dead serious. beyonce has not had a single good song since crazy in love. an indisputable fact. i hope lil wayne stays in jail because most of his new music blows. when youre off your ass on drugs and shit mumbling the same stupid lines about pussy and sippin syrup its time to take a break. for some reason no one is ever willing to come out and say he fell off a musical cliff, but he did. i wish someone would man-up and bring a heavy lil wayne diss. also someone needs to re-ether ignorant ass JAy-Z. watching neon indian at coachella, he clearly doesnt know shit about music, he just wants mainstream white people to take him seriously as a musician, and assumed that watching mainstreamish hip music at a silly festival was the best route. (rather than making good music somehting he clearly is incapable of)

not aware enough to even pull off pretentious


BABBY UR MY EVERYTHING im from a toronto suburb, no one should take me any more seriously than a rapping macauly culkin, because im just a silly child actor, embarking on my next career, thank u media illuminati!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


everyone already knew that american apparel was for smug, bland people who do everything they are told. their bland clothing, and idiotic advertising both of which are designed to irritate most mainstream people, win them no favors. the pervert in charge, who is the king of self-important, big mouthed, under-informed peoples the world over (most liberal arts students and associated types) is largely responsible for the awkward, unflattering looks that plague much of those afflicted by "hipness". this is the new handbook:



U think I give A FUCK bout sparklers bitch im tryin to get DRUNK

Saturday, June 26, 2010

the land of snaxxx

i had tandoori chixxen today. i loves me some indian food---> maybe tomorrow i will go to the indian buffet (holla @jaipore, u kno what it is) lately i have been having these crises where i rlly rlly want to go out to dinner, but i have noone to go with, so i come home and have a sadness meal on my own. people are all like "oh im broke" or "oh im going to eat at home" like if those are your scenarios i hate you. i hate you so much, because i dont want to sit in a restaraunte on my own like some kind of lonely fucking loser. that shit is depressing,and its just kind of annoying; i love restraunts, it is kind of funny that i cant spell restaurant (count it) bc i go to them alot. i seem to be busy whenever my parents go, they go for dinner at like 4.30(PM) it is true that they are old beyond their yrs. i wish i could be old beyond my yrs. then i wouldnt crave fun times all of my life. wish i was contented to do boring shit all the time. unfortunately i only want to party and rock n roll nd shit. i wish i could stop my awesome lifestyle choices, but i dont think i have the ability or desire to apply maturity to my gangsterlife choices. whatever. maybe if there were more people who wanted to go to restaraunts with me then i wouldnt be all fuked up in the head.

i luv u sign denoting restaurant ahead


wanna listen to the pink song on my ipod courtersy of eco-friendly apple? how bout chocolate bar's? let's make out now! massage my pubis region please... rlly pretty please massage the pubissss