MY car is sick. it is sick and boxy and squareish. i wish i had the R version though, that would be tight. i kind of hate cars being too round and stupid. the new e-class looks sick because of its powerfully defined lines. it is made out of definition. everything comes from something else, instead of having a continuous skin, it is as if the body is sheathed in a series of distinct, but connected individual planes. what you also get out of the defined planes is the beauty of the car's symmetry. instead of looking like something organic, with skin stretched over a rounded skeleton, where the symmetry is the product of some mystery of nature, and somehow lacking even the illusion of perfection, the sharpness of the e-class's lines and planes makes it look as though it were machined from a solid piece of titanium. an algorithm was written that allowed for the car to be perfectly machined from a solid block of power and strength, into a kind of symmetry the human mind cannot fully comprehend

Just for the hell of it, this future-status BMW is omega heat. BMW M1, so sick. those OG M series colors, the red and blue stripe, are omega gangster. THIS ONE IS GNAGNSTER TOOOOO